Thuja - how to plant and care for it?

Thuja (Latin Thuja), whose correct name in Polish is thuja, is a kind of evergreen trees and shrubs. In gardens, we most often meet three species of thuja, namely eastern thuja (Aurea Nana), Golden Smaragd and Amber Glow. 

By far the most popular variety, however, is the Szmaragd thuja, used primarily as an evergreen hedge surrounding properties.


First of all, thujas require a lot of access to sunlight, in the worst case semi-shaded positions. However, before we decide to buy a particular variety, it is worth getting acquainted with the detailed requirements, because not all seedlings will grow in shaded places. Secondly, most thujas are fully frost hardy, but some types may be slightly less resistant to low temperatures. 

Thirdly, although thujas are classified as undemanding to soil, they definitely grow best on fertile, nutrient-rich, moist soil. Only then do shrubs and trees impress with their beautiful, intense color and dense, full of scales branches.


The best time to plant thuja is early spring or autumn, because at this time the plants are best acclimatized to the new position. What is important, beforehand, the soil should be thoroughly cleaned of weeds, one by one, a hole should be dug, and its bottom should be covered with compost, peat or manure. 

After planting the seedlings, water them abundantly with water. It is also recommended to sprinkle the surface around the thuja with bark, which reduces the evaporation of water from the ground and the growth of weeds.


As already mentioned, thujas are best grown on moist soils, and drought can harm them. In spring and summer sunny, dry days, thujas should be watered abundantly at least once a week (plants planted in pots even more often). What's more, it is extremely important to water thuja in winter, because they are dried up by frosty, dry winds.


Pruning thujas is necessary when they grow in hedges. Nothing stands in the way of freely forming free-standing shrubs. This activity can be undertaken from spring to mid-summer (never later). At the beginning of the season, it is good to cut out the frozen shoots and slightly shorten the remaining ones, which will positively affect the density of the plant.


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